ESF: Creation of an online Shiatsu library

15 Juil, 2023
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The Shiatsu Ressoources Worldwide website has just launched a new project: a database containing hundreds of titles of books on Shiatsu in 10 European languages. Each book can be consulted online free of charge, with its title, author, publishing house, year of publication, country, language, cover and description where possible.

This initiative, carried out by a group led by Ivan Bel, contains more than 750 references to start with. This allows students and professionals of Shiatsu to understand the development of literature specific to Shiatsu, but also what has already been published (for future authors), to find works for research and study. We have also added reference works on oriental medicine, do-in, seitai, sotai and other associated disciplines. A search engine makes it easy to find what you’re looking for.

To find out more:

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