Ivan Bel is one of a new generation of Shiatsu practitioners who are working hard on many levels to bring this noble art to new heights of professionalism and public visibility. One of the many assets Ivan brings to this creative endeavour is his experience as a...

Book review: “Another self” by Cindy Engel
Let's be honest: this book is not a Shiatsu book. Instead, the author, Dr Cindy Engel, is an original combination of biology researcher and manual therapist (shiatsu, Thai massage, fasciatherapy and also Qigong teacher) in England. She published articles in scientific...
Book: Meridians: Maps of the Soul
Previously published in UKSS Shiatsu magazine. Thanks to Dinah John As I sit down to write this, a Facebook post pops onto my screen. An article by Mike Mandl has just appeared in a popular German medical journal. 'Die Milz macht glücklich’, says the headline: ‘the...
Book: The Poetry of Touch – Alchemy, Transformation & Oriental Medicine
In his new book, Chris McAlister, a great scholar of Eastern wisdom, offers us the insight of a man who has spent his whole life exploring the art of touch as a Way of Being. Throughout the pages, he narrates how this medicine transforms the Human Being we are,...
Book: Ampuku – abdominal acupressure
The book Ampuku by Philippe Vandenabeele is a must have in his library. It will delight historians, those who seek to understand the original techniques of Shiatsu, lovers of ancient images and explorers of all kinds. But this book marks an important turning point for...
Book: La figura de mio padre – Tokujiro Namikoshi
What do we really know about the life of Tokujiro Namikoshi? Not much, really. There is no official biography and that's a pity. Everything that is said about him is mainly by word of mouth, but with all the possible and imaginable distortions. However, there is a way...