Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return “Our bodies are made from the burnt embers of stars, which scattered across the Galaxy in giant explosions, long before gravity pulled them together to form the Earth.” [1] So begins the book Living with the Stars [2]...
Julien Chabert
The space within a character: 空 the Void in all its forms (part 1)
This article is part one of a two-part series on the five elements from the Buddhist and Taoist traditions. Before talking about the 5 elements, let's talk about the Void from which they arise. If you're interested in the medical or spiritual traditions of the Far...
Principle : Omote-Ura「表-裏」
Everyone knows about Yin and Yang those twin brothers who are as complementary as they are opposed. One is warmer, the other is denser; the former is lighter, the latter is deeper. While we are usually familiar with these comparisons of quality, we are less familiar...